Sunday, November 16, 2008

'Robota' is now out there, McDuff!


(IF? Records/Hypnotic Room)

Some covert obsessive-compulsive angles don't change, like the rather scatter-brained Little Nobody infatuation for things robotic (and rusty tin ones, to boot).

The name of the new Little Nobody EP is 'Robota', and for this one we shanghaied Japanese producer Toshiyuki Yasuda (one of Si Begg's favorite musicians, and who just finished working with Señor Coconut, a.k.a. Atom Heart) into the arrangement, to do gorgeous, robot-style vocoder vocals as Robo*Brazileira.

The resultant track, with accompanying remixes by Funk Gadget (that's me again, under another silly alias) and Dick Drone, was released today in the digital download terrain via IF? in conjunction with Hypnotic Room, on Beatport, etc, and it's just been remixed by Steve Stoll and Jammin' Unit, so look out for those wild versions early on in 2009.

In the meantime, the rather crazy original version here is already getting some club and radio airplay in Japan and over in the UK, as well as on 2SER in Sydney and 3PBS in Melbourne. More info and feedback from fellow DJ/proddies is online at Hypnotic Room here:

We also just got a review from those fellow misguided souls at Robot Société magazine, which we'll use here for a semblance of propaganda rather than ranting on ourselves:

"Welcome to the future, old school robotic style - think Underground Resistance lobbed back into the soundtrack for Forbidden Planet, tin-pot robots from the '50s let screw-loose within a 21st century tech/electro studio, thereby creating future-funk-breaks never before encountered this side of Isaac Asimov's id. While the humor and the playfulness are oh-so-gleeful, the technical virtuosity and depth of imagination, along with the canny understanding of an open-minded, carousing dance floor, are themselves superb."

So, what to expect?

Check out Hypnotic Room's site for freebie sample sounds, or head off to the YouTube & MySpace clips (blogged below) for a dose of Robota zaniness. Stylistically, the Andrez + Toshiyuki mix is waywardly and loudly barnstorming tech-breaks, while Funk Gadget goes more kitsch-mechanical, the sparser moments colliding with killer, machine-based wind-up frequencies. Dick Drone heads off in grander, more ethereal, clicky and glitchy territory.


01. Robota (Andrez & Toshiyuki Mix)
02. Robota (Funk Gadget Remix)
03. Robota (Dick Drone Remix)

Something for all the disconcerted family!

1 comment:

  1. Hah! I'll comment on my own stuff if I have to!! COMMENT! ... there, done.
