Sunday, March 1, 2009

Another Sky Press

Amongst its self-confessed missions, Another Sky Press (based in Portland, Oregon, in the U.S.) hopes to subvert the traditional publishing paradigm and do it their own way, put the artist and audience in direct connection with each other, hence removing the (expensive) middlemen, they want to spread culture for the good of all—not control it for profit—and they'd like to dismantle the world and reassemble it in a more aesthetically pleasing manner.

Grand plans indeed, and these worthy people have released a wad of stunning coffee table art books with images by Jesse Reno and others, plus some equally cool novels by the likes of Kristopher Young (Click) that you can read online for free, or purchase at cost. It's up to you if you deem the writer worthy of bonus extra patronage.

I love these people, and I'm one of the lucky ones: I currently have my first novel (Tobacco-Stained Mountain Goat, the one Scott C. did the cover for—see the previous entry below) in the sub-editing phase with them, and it should be out sometime this year.

Regardless, I'd adore what the posse is on about; their mentality is precisely my cup of tea.

There's a way cool new online interview with Kristopher Young, who runs Another Sky with his partner, Christine Barnum, with help from a wide variety of like-minded others.

It's an extensive beast of a chat, full of insights into a crew we should all be in there rooting for and supporting. Go forth, grab a big cup of coffee, and brush up on your leftfield-publishing-with-a-superlative-punk-ethic kind of thing.

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