Monday, April 6, 2009

Iffy Bizness: the Compilation

Well, after the unexpected craziness of losing the job-spot at Anime Insider (and the sad demise of the old dear herself, see entry below), I still have yet to hear officially from Wizard about my redundancy, so no "news" there. Would also like my last paycheck, too.

However, it's hanami season here in Tokyo, the cherry blossoms have poked out, as has the sun (finally!), and we're going to indulge in a bit of ale shortly; also some great news from Sydney: my favourite label, Elektrax, is going to release a compilation of IF? Records material called, appropriate enough, Iffy Bizness.

It'd be completely self-indulgent if I'd thought it up, but I'm not responsible this time—I have my great mate, DJ Hi-Shock, to thank for this little baby.

More news soon!

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